Wortees is a statement to wear; it is ink; it is an act of verbal responsibility; it is indelible polysemy of the character we have imprinted and carry on us.
A shifty, evasive person, whose intentions vanish as quickly as a puff of smoke.
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Desire to wander the world, to keep walking aimlessly; longing for new places.
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One who is constantly late due to being optimistic about having time to spare.
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The rapture and trance-like, mystical ecstasy experienced through music.
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The beauty emanating from what is natural, evanescent and imperfect.
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Living with the open mind of a beginner; practicing intellectual humility.
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Love and sexual attraction to indelible marks, tattoos and piercings.
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Love of the moon, finding joy and peace of mind when looking at it.
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A stylish woman who lives in the name of passion and pursues life’s pleasures.
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Practicing shopping as a form of mental relaxation; buying for stress relief.
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An unconventional, idealistic dreamer, whose imagination wanders.
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Night owl and/or party animal, who sleeps late or doesn’t sleep at all.
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Passion and devotion for wine and excessive drinking; being a wine connaisseur.
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Emotional or psychological hangover; fear of having misbehaved while drunk.
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Faith in the future; trust that everything will work out, in the end.
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Fear of becoming so wonderful that the entire human race can’t handle it.
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Serious and reliable person, who approaches things calmly and solemnly.
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Pantsdrunk; lying around the house, in your underwear, drinking by yourself.
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Love and hate, hate and love, in an eternal revolving with no in-between stages.
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A yearning for far away places you have never seen, remote and unknown.
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Tendency to fall in love, again and again, with fictional characters.
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Dreamlike absent-mindedness; a state of getting lost in one’s thoughts.
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One who feels sexual attraction only if there’s also emotional connection.
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